Home and Office Makeover Plans


Chinese New Year is just around the corner. To celebrate the coming of the New Year, people prepare a simple family dinner or a get-together party with relatives and friends. However, for some, they celebrate the New Year following specific traditions for lifestyle, career, and home renovation.

Home renovation or makeover, for instance, is guided through the Chinese metaphysical and quasi-philosophical system called Feng shui. This tradition seeks to harmonize people and objects with its surrounding environment to create a positive aura and attract good energy called "chi." Many believe that houses or offices that were subjected to the Chinese art of feng shui help bring luck, wealth and opportunity into your home and work place.

According to the Chinese almanac calendar, this year 2018 is a good time for home renovation or decoration. However, there may be months and time that should be avoided depending on your Chinese zodiac sign.

In Singapore, there are common feng shui steps followed when doing home renovation or makeover. Here are some of the things you need to put on your checklist.

1. Consult a Feng shui expert

There are a number of tips and guides published in books and in the World Wide Web about how to Feng shui your home or work place. However, if you are a beginner on this and just wanted to make your home renovation run fast and smoothly, you might consider consulting an expert directly.

2. Mind the location

According to Feng shui, every spot in your home or work place is associated with a different aspect of your life or of the company's goals. Thus, the right location or placement of things or furniture is essential. For example, the far left corner of your home is the money zone while the far right corner is for relationship. It is something tricky but according to Feng shui, the zones has symbolic powers and sometimes has literal connection to the area.

3. Hire an architect

Following what the art of Feng shui says is basically up to the owner of the house or the building. Feng shui is not a general baseline for construction or renovation of houses or buildings but just a metaphysical guide of understanding the flow of positive energy or "chi". Some companies consider both Feng shui and the modern style like architectural building models. Architects design and create scale models in Singapore using 3D scale model maker to showcase a comfy living and working space. They can design your work and living space using architectural designs while considering the art of Feng shui.

4. Contact a reliable supplier

Sometimes home renovations are contingent to the quality of materials and furniture used. In Feng shui, there are particular items or objects that are placed in specific locations to attract the good "chi". For example, if you want your career to prosper, you need to maintain the area as bright or well lit as possible. In doing so, you either hang a bright chandelier in your living room or put something that relates to your passion or job. If you have a reliable supplier, these renovation needs and materials will be provided with ease. Aside from getting quality goods, you are also putting in your trust onto the things/materials you are using.

So far, have you got any house or office makeover plans this year to attract good "chi"?

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